What We Do

About Our Work

At Immigrant Welcome Center, our mission is to be a trusted partner and advocate for all immigrants. We support this through our programming and work with community partners and local leaders. Scroll down to learn more.

Immigrant and Refugee Support

Immigrant Welcome Center Connect Resource Database

Our resource database, powered by Find Help, is a free tool available to community members seeking information about local resources and programs. This database is available in multiple languages and even provides information about documentation requirements for various programs. Click here to learn more.


Our multilingual helpline, available in more than 200 languages, is powered by our staff and Natural Helpers. Immigrants and refugees who have questions about local resources can call this line between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and receive personalized help. Please call our toll-free number at 1-866-711-1342.


Natural Helpers Program

Our lead volunteers, called Natural Helpers, assist immigrants and refugees transitioning to life in Indiana. Natural Helpers are immigrants who understand the challenges of moving to a new place, learning a new language, finding employment, and establishing a home in the US. Natural Helpers assist their community members in finding the resources they need to integrate into the community. Click here to learn more.


Reuben Education Series

Every year, Immigrant Welcome Center, through its Reuben Education Series, convenes multiple live discussions on topics ranging from immigration policy to public health, from language access to housing, where immigrant leaders share their thoughts and expertise with the community. Click here to visit our Facebook page and view our upcoming events. 

Citizenship and Legal Assistance

Citizenship Classes

We offer virtual citizenship classes that help prepare Lawful Permanent Residents for their next steps of becoming naturalized US citizens. Classes include an interactive workbook, exam practice lessons, and mock interviews. Click here for more information.


Citizenship Support

We also offer free assistance with completing the N-400 Application for Naturalization through our partners at Citizenshipworks and through quarterly citizenship workshops where we connect volunteer attorneys to Lawful Permanent Residents who are ready to begin the application process. Click here to contact our Legal Coordinator for registration.

English Language Learning for Adults

Pathway to Literacy

This program is geared toward English Learners with 6 years or less of formal schooling, and focuses on developing oral language and literacy skills within the context of relevant themes. Click here to learn more. 



Workplace English

IWC facilitates onsite classes at workplaces by pairing employers with English instructors to provide opportunities for employees to improve their communication skills and for companies to promote and retain their diverse teams. Click here to learn more.


English Classes for Adults

Are you looking for an English class? This map shows all available English classes in the Indianapolis area.

Interested in finding a class? Fill out this form.

Interested in practicing your English? Click for list of English Learning websites.


For more information contact Ginger Kosobucki at gkosobucki@immigrantwelcomecenter.org




Community Partner Support

Agency Consultations

We offer one-on-one consultations to local agencies that are looking to improve their capacity of working with immigrant and refugee populations. Click here to contact our Chief Operating Officer and schedule a virtual appointment.




Partner Power Calls

We offer Power Partner calls twice per quarter, following Reuben Education Series. Partner Power calls are virtual and open to all community partners and members.

If you have any questions or recommendations, please connect with IWC Chief Operating Officer, Christina Arrom.


Navigating Culture and Bias Training

Our Navigating Culture and Bias training is a highly interactive and challenging workshop that provides teams with an opportunity to unpack the layers of culture, privilege, and power while identifying how these concepts create opportunities to work effectively with immigrants and refugees. Click here to learn more.


Program Reports

Transforming our city into a place that is welcoming and supportive to all immigrants and refugees takes time and dedication. It requires a deep understanding of the needs of our communities and the systemic barriers they face. Our program reports highlight the impact of our work and serve as a tool for local policymakers and leaders to drive systemic, equitable change for all immigrants and refugees who choose to call Indianapolis and Central Indiana home. Click here to learn more.